Wildfires break out near Athens, alerts sent to residents

[Nikos Makris/Intime News]

Two new wildfires ignited near the Greek capital on Saturday afternoon, with fire-fighters rushing to put them out as strong winds fanned the flames.

The first blaze was in the area of Katsimidi, on Mount Parnitha, located on the northwestern outskirts of Athens. Authorities send an emergency message to local residents to be on alert in case they need to evacuate. 

Sixty firefighters, foot teams and 15 vehicles are on site, with support from five helicopters and two water bombers. Several volunteers and hiking teams are also assisting in the operation. 

To facilitate the fire service and protect the public, police has diverted traffic in Malakasa and Mercuriou Road, in Ippokratous and Tyrtaiou Street, in Tatoiou and Chlois Street, and at the Varybobi bridge.

In Aspropyrgos, western Attica, the blaze was burning low grassland, garbage and dry vegetation,...

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