Bulgaria's Currency Board: 27 Years of Economic Stabilization

On July 1, 1997, Bulgaria implemented a currency board system, known as the "currency board," in response to a severe economic crisis marked by hyperinflation and widespread social unrest. The crisis was precipitated under the government of the Bulgarian Socialist Party led by Zhan Videnov, which prioritized preserving jobs and maintaining state-owned enterprises, neglecting market reforms.

During this period, the government significantly increased control over prices, leading to distortions in supply and demand dynamics. At the same time, efforts to accelerate foreign debt repayment and control the exchange rate depleted foreign exchange reserves, causing a sharp depreciation of the Bulgarian lev and raising concerns about defaulting on debt payments.

State-owned enterprises, despite being financially unsustainable, received subsidies and loans from state banks, exacerbating the country's financial instability. The lack of oversight over commercial banks allowed them to issue unsecured loans, contributing to a banking crisis and a loss of confidence in the financial system by early 1996.

The economic turmoil worsened in 1997, with inflation skyrocketing to alarming levels: by the first four months, it reached 438%. Public confidence in the Bulgarian lev plummeted, leading to long queues at banks and currency exchange offices.

In addition to financial woes, Bulgaria faced a grain crisis in 1996 due to mismanagement of grain exports, causing shortages and further straining the economy. The government's reluctance to adopt market-based solutions exacerbated the crisis, underscoring its mismanagement of the situation.

By late 1996, the economic collapse forced the government to resign, marking a critical juncture known as the ...

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