Zante: They were having fun at a festival while the fire was burning uncontrollably behind them – Watch video


The images posted on a Facbook page as the fire raged in a Zakynthos forest on Sunday night are causing outrage.

In particular, the video posted on the Forecast Weather Greece page shows people continuing to have fun at a festival, while the fire was burning uncontrollably in the forest directly behind them.

Watch the video:

Απίστευτες images in Zakynthos where above the forest is burning and the fire is raging out of control and below the front the festival continues.

#Zante #Fire

Posted by Forecast Weather Greece on Sunday, June 30, 2024\

At dawn on Monday, the Civil Protection Department of the Municipality of Zakynthos informed that the situation of the fire is better but still critical.

“The fire that broke out late in the afternoon in the Agia Marina area of our island is in a slightly better but still critical situation. Fortunately, no houses are at risk. So far, most of the burning area remains inaccessible.

However, after contacting the Fire Brigade Commander, he informed us of 2 crawlers that will try to open roads in the mountain at the given time 2:20am.

Our department from the moment of the request for assistance with 4 of its own water trucks, three private individuals and its own diggers was on the spot early and remains. We are awaiting the assistance of the aerial means in the early morning hours.”

35 firefighters are operating at the scene with 1 team of hikers and 10 vehicles. With them are members of voluntary groups of the island, and members of the Civil Protection, while airborne means are expected.

The post Zante: They were having fun at a festival while the fire was burning uncontrollably behind them – Watch video appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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