175 swimmers compete in Meis-Kaş friendly race

A friendly race saw 175 swimmers from 20 countries competing between Greece's Meis Island and Türkiye's Kaş, bringing together national swimmers, diplomats, business figures and bureaucrats.

The Meis-Kaş Swim Race, organized annually at the conclusion of the International Lycian Kaş Culture and Art Festival, holds the unique distinction of being the only swimming race between two countries in the world.

The race represents a symbol of friendship and cooperation between Türkiye and Greece, united with the power of sports to bridge nations.

This year, the swimmers were ferried from the southern province of Antalya's Kaş to Meis Island early in the morning, with the race commencing at 8:30 a.m.

Nikolaos Asvestis, mayor of Meis Municipality, inaugurated the race.

Italian athlete Egor Tropeano, a former member of the Italian National Swimming Team, finished first, completing the 7-kilometer course in 1 hour 41 minutes.

Polat Dede, chairman of the organizing committee, praised the athletes' performance, highlighting the event's growing prestige.

Among the notable participants was Dutch Ambassador Joep Wijnands. Expressed his joy, Wijnands said that the Meis-Kaş Swimming Race was the finest among the swimming events he had participated in.

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