SYRIZA leader calls for expulsion of MP Avgenakis amid assault allegations

[InTime News]

SYRIZA opposition leader Stefanos Kasselakis on Wednesday demanded the expulsion of MP and former minister Lefteris Avgenakis from the ruling New Democracy party amid assault allegations.

"Mr Mitsotakis must now expel Avgenakis from his parliamentary group. Furthermore, he must pledge not to shield him through the votes of his MPs during any debate on lifting his immunity," he said in a social media post, criticizing what he called the "arrogance of immunity."

Earlier on Wednesday, the 51-year-old Iraklio MP, who has previously served as minister for rural development and minister for sports, apologized after footage emerged showing him assaulting an employee at Athens International Airport. The incident, which Avgenakis characterized as a "verbal" disagreement, reportedly occurred when he was denied boarding a flight to Crete due to a late arrival. The exact timing...

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