Watching SYRIZA go down

[InTime News]

What the very well-organized anti-SYRIZA system failed to do after years of hard work - i.e. to pull down the ideological veneer of the party that put an end to the left's exclusion from the seat of power - was accomplished by a Greek American from Miami with no party affiliations and no political background.

The most important thing he accomplished was proving how easy it was to expose SYRIZA's elite for its incompetence, selfishness and pettiness. Some abandoned the party because Stefanos Kasselakis won the leadership via a procedure that they themselves had established and in which he played no part. They kept their seats in Parliament - and by doing so their salaries and privileges - and they tested their popularity in the European elections, where they were soundly defeated, despite having a great deal more public exposure ahead of the elections compared to other small...

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