Greek Parliament ratifies military deals with Saudi Arabia

[Giorgos Zachos/InTime News]

Two bills ratifying two military agreements between Greece and Saudi Arabia were approved in Parliament on Wednesday evening by ruling New Democracy, main opposition SYRIZA, and PASOK.

Voting against were the Communist Party of Greece, nationalist Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) and Niki, leftist Nea Aristera (New Left), the far-right Spartiates (Spartans) and populist Plefsi Eleftherias.

Deputy Defense Minister Yiannis Kefalogiannis said that Greece's location make it a link between countries of Southeastern European countries, the Black Sea, the Middle East, and Northeastern Africa. 

"Our country recognizes Saudi Arabia's leading role in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the wider region of the Middle East, and a significant regional role, that is why it moves ahead to strategic choices of deepening and establishing our defense cooperation," through joint...

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