Antonis Remos: The freezing of his assets, the response and the next day

It should go without saying that for such a popular performer as Antonis Remos that an investigation by the Anti-Money Laundering Authority for assumed tax evasion on his part would cause widespread publicity, as has happened in similar cases of individuals from Greek showbiz.

In a response given through his lawyers, the singer denies the charges leveled against him while expressing regret for his public exposure.

I am saddened and understandably surprised,” he notes, “to learn that the AML/CFT has frozen all my movable and immovable property because I may have committed the offence of tax evasion. My regret is a consequence of the fact that a confidential procedural procedure is being illegally leaked to the media, and thus I am being exposed. And my surprise is that I have never been asked by the above authority to explain and provide evidence that would prove that I have never committed tax evasion. I look forward to receiving a summons immediately to be informed of what is being attributed to me so that I can shake off any blame against me.”

The Laundering Authority’s investigation centered on Antonis Remos lasted several months, according to leaked information and the dseizure of his assets came with the completion of, after auditors reportedly discovered specific information about him and his company of interest, which allegedly has a completely different focus from his artistic activities.

In fact, as is customary in such audits the Authority against Money Laundering from Criminal Activities once the audit process is completed, it freezes the movable and immovable property of the auditee without informing him and at the same time sends the conclusion to the Financial Prosecutor for further action.

The Financial Prosecutor, once he receives and after thoroughly studying the findings of the Laundering Authority headed by former Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Charalambos Vourliotis, will call Antonis Remos for explanations.

According to reports, the thorough audit revealed suspicions of tax evasion and money laundering in an amount approaching 1,500,000 euros, while there is significant reference to Antonis Remos’ tax returns for the last five years.

In these the singer allegedly declared income that reached 50,000 euros and it was these income statements that “rang a bell” to the auditors.

They considered them too low for the range and popularity of Antonis Remos, who apart from nightclubs and concerts in Greece and abroad, sings at many private and social parties and business events.

At the end of the proceedings, the moving and real estate of the performer and the company under investigation, his bank accounts, safe deposit boxes that may exist and boats were seized.

The State’s Attorney received the finding four weeks ago and it is now only a matter of time before the popular performer who claims he has not evaded taxes is summoned to. Testify his trial opinion.

The post Antonis Remos: The freezing of his assets, the response and the next day appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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