Right, but not necessarily wrong

Conservative former prime minister Antonis Samaras speaks during an event at the War Museum in Athens on Monday. [InTime News]

To judge an event, it is good to let a few days pass, allowing the dust to settle so that the picture becomes clearer. After all, it is a rule that in the heat of the moment, emotions prevail over logic. It was only natural that the recent speech by Antonis Samaras at the War Museum in Athens would provoke reactions and comments in various directions. Some of these comments were disparaging toward the conservative former prime minister, reflecting a complex-ridden attitude toward him.

It is a common acknowledgment - among those who approached his harsh criticism of the government with purely political criteria - that a part of it was justified and resonated with the feelings of traditional New Democracy voters. He expressed their views, and rightly so, as long as they see their opinions in his voice and remain within the party. In all the once-powerful parties of Western...

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