Investigation reveals mistakes, omissions by officials in Hydra fire case

The preliminary investigation by the internal affairs directorate revealed mistakes and omissions by officials in the handling of the Hydra fire case in June involving a yacht, it was reported on Tuesday.

According to SKAI TV, the report mentions abuse of power and neglect of duty by the fire brigadier of the fire service's arson crimes directorate, as well as officials from the hydra port authority.

The investigation found that Galata's fire department did not take over the case, despite the incident occurring within its area of responsibility. Moreover, Hydra's port authority was informed by a nearby vessel of the yacht's suspected involvement in the fire, however, it did not immobilize the yacht or conduct a search.

The fire brigadier visited Vouliagmeni the next day, June 22, to take statements from the 10 Kazakh passengers. However, after examining them,...

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