Turkey's Erdogan Urges NATO Neutrality on Ukraine Conflict

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated today that he will address several key issues during his participation in the NATO summit in the United States, including counterterrorism efforts, the Gaza crisis, and the situation in Ukraine. Before departing Ankara for the summit, Erdogan emphasized that NATO should refrain from taking sides in the Ukrainian conflict, underscoring Turkey's stance on upholding Ukraine's territorial integrity. He stressed the summit's significance, marking NATO's 75th anniversary, and highlighted discussions aimed at enhancing the alliance's defense capabilities, as reported by CNN Turk.

"In our consultations, we will focus on bolstering NATO's defense structure and addressing obstacles in the defense industry," Erdogan emphasized. He also expressed concerns over the escalating global terrorism threat, advocating for increased NATO efforts in combating terrorism. Erdogan affirmed Turkey's commitment to supporting Ukraine's territorial integrity while cautioning against NATO's involvement as a party in the conflict.

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