Drecun: Investigation to reveal objectives of policeman's killer, Germany not cooperating

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian parliamentary committee on defence and interior affairs Milovan Drecun said on Thursday an investigation would reveal the objectives of Faton Hajrizi - an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo-Metohija who killed one Serbian border police officer and wounded another last week - and why he had come to central Serbia, and added that German authorities did not seem to be willing to cooperate and provide the necessary information.

After a two-day search, Hajrizi was found by the police in the Banja Koviljaca area and shot dead after firing several shots at police officers.

On July 6, Hajrizi escaped from a prison in Kosovo-Metohija in what was his ninth prison break.

"It is a bit problematic that Germany has still said nothing about information regarding the liquidated murderer's stay in the territory of that country. It is completely...

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