Jockeying for a top EU job

[Johanna Geron/Reuters]

Greece is looking for an important portfolio in the new European Commission, to be headed again by Germany's Ursula von der Leyen.

"I would certainly like a portfolio that highlights on the one hand the progress that Greece has made economically, but also Greece's sort of strategic position at the southeastern flank of Europe and of NATO," Mitsotakis told news site

Mitsotakis also believes he is due a reward for the support he showed von der Leyen, a fellow European Popular Party (center-right) politician in her effort to secure her reappointment.

Kathimerini understands that the main portfolios Greece would be interested in are Agriculture, Defense and the new Housing position. But Housing, apparently, has been promised to the socialists, Defense is considered by others in the EU as too big for Greece's boots - and, anyway, Poland is said to be...

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