Discovering the diverse charms of Naxos

Naxos, the largest island in the Cyclades, is a place of many faces and boundless charm. There's the Naxos of ancient monuments, where passionate history enthusiasts climb rocks to reach the Cave of Zeus; the Naxos of sandy beaches, where French retirees sunbathe naked as early as May; and the Naxos of orchards and pastures, where farmers tirelessly tend to their land and livestock. Then there's Hora, with its busy city atmosphere, double-parked SUVs, and trendy cafés with tattooed baristas. All these aspects make up a living, breathing island that has always carved its own distinct path, thanks to its size, diverse landscape, and central location in the Aegean Sea.

Naxos continues to thrive by investing in primary industries such as livestock farming, cheesemaking, agriculture, and viticulture. It's a place that invites exploration beyond its sandy shores and emerald waters...

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