Sofia's Air Quality Unaffected by Elin Pelin Explosions, Investigation Underway

Sofia Mayor Vasil Terziev has assured that there is currently no air pollution in Sofia resulting from the explosions at the pyrotechnics warehouse in Elin Pelin. According to Terziev, data from a mobile air quality measuring station deployed in the area indicated that even during the peak of the gassing, air quality remained within acceptable limits. The station was set up to monitor any potential movement of harmful clouds towards Sofia, and it has since confirmed that the situation is under control.

In response to the incident, Terziev announced an initiative to review and catalog all available shelters and evacuation rooms in Sofia. This review aims to ensure that these facilities are adequately prepared for use if needed. Terziev emphasized the importance of understanding the current state of these shelters, their ownership, location, and capacity to effectively manage emergencies in the future.

The Sofia District Prosecutor's Office is spearheading the investigation into the explosions and subsequent fire near Elin Pelin. Acting chief prosecutor Borislav Sarafov has assigned the case to the National Investigation Service. The investigation will include witness interviews and an inspection of the warehouse conditions once the General Directorate "Fire Safety and Protection of the Population" completes its operations and the risk of further explosions subsides. The investigation will explore all possible causes, including the possibility of deliberate actions.

Additionally, the Ministry of Defense reported that military personnel, aboard a "Cougar" helicopter, conducted an aerial inspection of the fire area. The mission aimed to assess the feasibility of aerial firefighting, and the 55th Engineer Regiment - Belene is prepared to perform a...

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