Let’s calm down, people

Jan Harmensz, Feast of the Gods (1635-40). Apollo seated mid-table.

By now we have all understood that social media has become the arbiter of rapid response, the immediate expression of individual or collective opinion, the raw, uncut measure of often visceral reactions to events or statements. And now that the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris is over, the heavily weighted social media sites - X, Threads, Instagram, Facebook - are filled with opinions on said ceremony, some praising the panoramas, some hating all of it. The comments are often interesting and sometimes amusing and fun. We agree or disagree and go about our business.

But now the comments have become aggressive, insulting and just plain wrong. Somewhere along the line, the sites began exploding with the fury of the American Evangelists. 

"How dare the French leftists make fun of the Last Supper of Christ?" This was a popular tweet. And, "How sad" to see poor...

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