Bulgaria Criticizes North Macedonia's Shift in Corridor 8 Funding, Warns of NATO Security Risks

The Bulgarian government has urged the authorities in Skopje to uphold their commitments regarding Corridor 8, a crucial infrastructure project designed to connect Albania, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria. The call for adherence comes in response to recent actions by Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, who proposed redirecting funds for Corridor 8 to Corridor 10, which leads to Belgrade.

According to the Bulgarian government, these actions not only breach international commitments but also undermine NATO's collective security. The government argues that Trans-European Corridor VIII is vital for increasing the EU's geostrategic autonomy and serves as a key logistics route along NATO's southern flank, stretching from the Adriatic to the Black Sea. The failure to advance this corridor weakens the alliance's security.

The Bulgarian cabinet has expressed growing concern over the Macedonian government's statements and actions, which are seen as a violation of previously agreed-upon infrastructure projects. The Republic of North Macedonia has repeatedly committed to connecting with Bulgaria via Corridor 8 through various agreements, including the 2017 Good Neighbor Agreement, the 2019 and 2022 Protocols, and the October 2021 Memorandum of Understanding between Albania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia, as well as declarations from the NATO Summit in July 2024.

Trans-European Corridor VIII is not only intended to link North Macedonia and Bulgaria but also aims to enhance EU geostrategic autonomy. It has become a significant logistics route and is crucial in the current geopolitical climate. The Bulgarian government emphasizes that neglecting this corridor could undermine the collective security of NATO.

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