Fire Department spokesman: We are fighting a great battle to contain the fire in Evia

The number of agroforestry fires that occurred in the last 24 hours of which 43 were immediately treated at their initial stage, while firefighting forces continue to deal with 11 fires, as the Fire Brigade’s spokesman, Fire Brigadier Vassilis Vathrakogiannis, stressed a short while ago during an emergency briefing.

Regarding the fire in Evia, Mr. Vathrakogiannis noted that it broke out today at 3 and 17 minutes at noon in a forest area near the settlement of Petries, adding that it immediately took dangerous dimensions mainly because of the strong northerly winds blowing in the area.

For this reason, Vathrakogiannis said, four messages had to be issued by 112, initially to inform the residents near the area where the fire broke out and then to evacuate them from the settlements of Krieza, Koskina and Petries.

For the extinguishing of the fire 189 firefighters with 9 teams of hiking teams and 56 vehicles, as well as a large number of volunteers are operating. 26 aerial means, namely 16 aircraft and 10 helicopters, including 2 for coordination.

Local government water trucks and project machinery are assisting in the extinguishing work.

As a precautionary measure, a fire-fighting boat has gone to the area and the Coast Guard has mobilized with watercraft near the coastline.

ELAS forces have also been deployed to facilitate the evacuation of residents.

The coordination of all firefighting forces is being carried out by the Mobile Operations Center OLYMPOS.

According to the spokesman of the Fire Department, at the moment the main front of the fire is located inside the triangle formed by the settlements of Petries, Krieza and Alonia.

In addition, he stressed that from the beginning priority was given to the protection of human life and settlements, the wetland of Lake Dystos was protected and so far no damages have been reported.

“All Civil Protection forces are giving a real battle to contain the fire in Evia. We are in the heart of the fire season and the conditions in the next period, according to experts, will be more difficult. Great attention from all of us. Anything new will be followed by the next update” concluded Mr. Vathrakogiannis.

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