Europe recorded over 175,000 heat-related deaths annually between 2009 and 2019

[Hassan Ammar/AP Photo]

The organization emphasizes that the European region (which, for WHO study purposes, extends to Central Asia) "is the fastest-warming of the 6 WHO regions, with temperatures rising at around twice the global average rate."

Additionally, it is noted that over the last 20 years, heat-related mortality in Europe has increased by 30%.

"Heat stress is the leading cause of climate-related death in the Region. Temperature extremes exacerbate chronic conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory and cerebro-vascular diseases, mental health, and diabetes-related conditions." WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Hans Henri Kluge explains.

According to WHO, the number of heat-related deaths will "skyrocket" in the coming years due to global warming, which is responsible for the increased number of heatwaves in Europe over the past decades.

"The three warmest...

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