AADE – Operation Villa VIP Mykonos: Everything off the books at private party in Pyrgi

A new form of tax evasion has been brought to light by the inspectors of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, related to private parties organized in luxury villas in Mykonos.

These are parties advertised on social media as officially organized by event planning companies and conducted legally.

Apparently. Because what the AADE inspectors found shows that appearances can be deceiving.

In a specially and meticulously planned operation, AADE inspectors, in collaboration with police officers, raided a villa in Pyrgi, Mykonos.

What did they find?

  • A French company had rented the space to organize a party with a famous DJ, who stopped the music and left the venue as soon as he saw the inspectors.
  • Everyone present had paid 300 euros each, which secured them access to the venue, as well as to the bar and buffet of the party.
  • The company had not declared the commencement of its activities.
  • No customer had received a receipt, with the total amount exceeding 50,000 euros.
  • No invoices had been issued for the rental of the sound equipment, which amounted to more than 5,000 euros, and similar tax violations were recorded for other services such as the bar, catering, security, etc.

Both the organizers and all the suppliers of the party will pay the fines due and will be audited for the past five years, as inspectors believe this has happened repeatedly.

The post AADE – Operation Villa VIP Mykonos: Everything off the books at private party in Pyrgi appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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