All eyes on Lebanon in Athens

Athens is on high alert in the event that Lebanon becomes a theater of military operations.

Athens and Nicosia are coordinating for the necessity to evacuate, first and foremost, citizens of Greece and Cyprus, and, if necessary, citizens of third nations, mostly from the EU.

There is also wider coordination between Athens and Nicosia, with allies and partners, to ensure that Cyprus is shielded from "out of control" missiles as much as possible, given the island's proximity to Lebanon (about 180 kilometers).

The reason for such a possibility is not Hezbollah's threats, but the intensive electronic warfare in the wider area of ​​the Israel-Lebanon land and sea borders, which could lead to the diversion of a missile that might end up in nearby areas, with the territory of Cyprus within striking distance.

Besides, there is a precedent. On June 30, 2019, an S...

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