Ukrainian Forces 'Denazified' Part of Russia's Kursk Region - More Gains in the Last 24 Hours

Ukrainian Armed Forces have taken control of the gas measuring station in Sudzha, a key transit point for Russian gas exports to Europe. In response, Kremlin officials have hinted that President Vladimir Putin may soon issue an ultimatum to the West. This ultimatum would demand that Western countries cease their arms supplies to Ukraine or face the threat of a large-scale missile strike.

❗️ Russian Z-channels report that the AFU has taken control of the Suja gas metering station in Kursk Region
This station is an important border facility for the transportation of Russian gas to Europe.
There is no official confirmation of this information yet.

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 7, 2024

On Wednesday, Russia reported intense clashes with Ukrainian forces that had advanced into its Kursk region, marking one of the most significant incursions since the conflict began in February 2022. Despite a successful Russian campaign this year and territorial gains of 420 square kilometers since mid-June, Ukrainian forces launched a counterattack on Tuesday. The fighting persisted through the night into Wednesday as Ukrainian troops pushed northwest of Sudzha, located 330 miles southwest of Moscow.

Russia's defense ministry announced that Ukrainian units are being engaged in the Kursk region, directly adjacent to the border with Ukraine. The ministry reported that air strikes, missile attacks, and artillery fire, along with defensive measures from border troops, have hindered further Ukrainian advances. The conflict has resulted in the destruction of 50 armored vehicles, including seven tanks and 31 armored combat vehicles.

Exclusive footage from the Kursk Region has been published by...

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