Fire near houses in Varnavas, messages from 112 for evacuations – Better picture in Megara

An alarm was raised at the Fire Department Sunday afternoon for fire in the Neo Mazi area in Megara, while the fire in Varnava is also serious as it is very close to the settlement.

More specifically, the fire front is near the Barnabas settlement and near homes. While strong fire brigade forces have been rushed to the spot. Specifically, 190 firefighters with 40 vehicles, 11 aircraft and 5 helicopters are operating, one for coordination.

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Shortly before 17.00, a message was sent by 112 to those in the area of Monastiri Panagia to evacuate towards Grammatiko and to those in Vothona, Kalenji and Pourithi to evacuate towards Marathon.

Earlier, Varnavas also echoed 112 with the message sent saying: “If you are in the Varnavas area of Attica, move away towards Grammatikos and Kapandriti.”

Due to the fire, diversion of traffic of vehicles is being carried out: 1) Kapandritiou – Varnavas provincial road 2) Grammatikou – Varnavas provincial road 3) Varnavas – Varnavas beach provincial road, in the above diversions no vehicle is moving towards the settlement of Varnavas.

See photos from Varnavas:



Fire in Megara

At the same time, a message was sent by 112 to those in Neo Mazi of Megara to move away to Aegirousses, due to the fire in the area.

@nik777443#φωτια #biggies #neomazi

♬ πρωτότυπος ήχος – Nik777

“Some houses have already been burned,” the mayor of Megareon Panagiotis Margetis told SKAI 100.3 about the fire raging in the area.



To extinguish the fire 48 firefighters are operating with 2 teams of the 1st EMODE’s hiking team, 13 vehicles, 2 aircraft, 2 helicopters and volunteers.

Due to the fire there is a diversion of vehicle traffic in:

1) Alepochori-Shinou coastal road and Maziou road to Neo Mazi settlement

2) Coastal road of Alepochori-Shinou and anonymous road to the Holy Monastery of Agios Makrynos.

1) Alipochori-Shinou coastal road and anonymous road to the Holy Monastery of Agios Makrynos.

3) Regional Road of Megara – Aegirousses on the road to Aegirousses from the position Distrara

4)Coastal road of Alepochori-Shinou on the road to Schino at the height of the store Aegirousses in the area of Alepochori.

Fire in Filiates in an area with a minefield

At the same time, a fire broke out at noon on Sunday in a forest area in Filiates of Thesprotia, specifically in the area of Tsamanta.

According to reports, the fire is burning in a difficult area, while there is a minefield in the area, so the firefighting forces are operating mainly from the air.

The fire is being used mainly from the air.

There are 9 firefighters and 1 hiking team at the scene while 5 aircraft and 1 helicopter are operating from the air.

The fire in Lagada is partially under control

The fire that broke out earlier in low vegetation in the area of Lagada in Thessaloniki was partially controlled shortly before 17.00. 20 firefighters with 10 vehicles and 1 helicopter arrived at the scene. Assistance from water trucks and OTA project machinery.

For the fire in Lagada Thessaloniki, a message was also sent from 112 saying “if you are in the area stay alert”.

The post Fire near houses in Varnavas, messages from 112 for evacuations – Better picture in Megara appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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