Income of up to 7,680 euros reported by 50% of taxpayers

In 2023, 50% of taxpayers reported an annual income of up to 7,680 euros to the tax authorities, resulting in an average tax rate of just 10.41%. Only 10% reported income over 20,842 euros, according to an analysis of data submitted by 9,017,477 taxpayers.

Particularly interesting are the figures showing that:

  • 86% of those required to file taxes were taxed at a rate lower than the average (10.41%).
  • At the same time, the average value of real estate per owner is approximately 107,826 euros, with an average tax of 319 euros.

According to a report prepared by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance to better monitor tax policy, it also emerged that:

  • The total taxable income reported last year amounted to 97.5 billion euros, of which 80%, or 77.6 billion euros, comes from work-related income (salaries, pensions, businesses, agriculture) and 15%, or 14.6 billion euros, comes from capital sources (real estate, dividends, interest, royalties, and capital transfer gains). An additional 5.2 billion euros is added as a discrepancy in reported wealth.
  • Income in 2023 was 9.1 billion euros higher, or 10.3% more compared to 2022, and the total tax assessed amounted to 10.2 billion euros, which is 1.4 billion euros more than the previous year.

The post Income of up to 7,680 euros reported by 50% of taxpayers appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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