Consumer loans’ comeback


Consumer credit had been expanding at a 30% clip during the first half of the year, boosted by strong consumer demand and car sales, up 6.5% during the first six months of 2024.

Bank data show that disbursements of consumer loans nearly reached €650 million during the first half compared to €500 million during the same period in 2023.

Banks expect the figure to remain stable during the second half and reach €1.3 billion for the whole year, up from €1 billion in 2023.

Consumer loans were notoriously popular during the period, in the early and mid-2000s, that preceded the financial crisis. After tanking for several years, they once again reached the level of mortgages in 2023.

Of all consumer loans, 50% are simple loans concluded with banks, 30% concern buying a car, and the rest are concluded directly with retailers.

In the loans concluded with...

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