Athens monitoring Turkey, Egypt contacts

Egypt's Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty speaks during a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, at Tahrir Palace in Cairo, Egypt August 5, 2024. [Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters]

Athens appears troubled by Turkey's reconciliation with Egypt, which is facing major economic problems as a result of the Middle East conflict. Ankara is utilizing economic incentives, but Turkey and Egypt also appear to be on the same page on regional matters, such as the situation in Somalia. At the same time, however, Egypt has invested extensively in financial aid from the EU, with Greece being Cairo's most active and constant backer in this regard.

The thawing of relations between Ankara and Cairo was apparent a few weeks ago, on August 5, when Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan visited Egypt and met his new counterpart, Badr Abdelatty.

Talks between the two sides went better than expected, and even led to an agreement to hold an Egyptian-Turkish High Cooperation Council with the participation of as many ministers with portfolios related to the economy as...

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