€101.5 mln in EU aid for Thessaly

Floodwater covers houses and farms after a devastating rainstorm in the village of Kastro, in Thessaly, central Greece, in September 2023. [VAGGELIS KOUSIORAS/AP]

The European Commission proposed Tuesday to provide Greece with €101.5 million in aid to support recovery efforts from the disastrous floods of September 2023.

The support is part of a €1 billion package to help Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Austria and France to deal with the impacts of the severe floods that hit these countries in 2023.

In January, the Commission had approved an advance payment of €25.3 million "to ease the financial burden of reconstruction efforts."

In granting the advance payment, the Commission had described the storm, which caused extensive flooding, mainly in Thessaly and central Greece, as the "deadliest tropical-like cyclone to take place in the Mediterranean in recorded history."

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira had said, "Last year's floods caused by cyclone Daniel can only be described as a tragic event in...

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