Woman and children trapped by train doors in Livadeia; investigation underway

FIle photo.

A woman sustained minor injuries in a safety incident late Saturday at the Livadeia train station in central Greece. She was reportedly traveling on a train from Athens to Thessaloniki, which made a scheduled stop to allow passengers to disembark. However, before the disembarkation process was complete, the train doors suddenly closed, trapping the woman and her three children.

At the time of the incident, one of the children had allegedly already stepped onto the platform, another was in the mother's arms, and the third child remained inside the train.

Former New Democracy MP Andreas Koutsoubas witnessed the event. "I ran with a colleague, shouting at the train driver to stop," Koutsoubas recounted. The train halted approximately 50 meters down the platform, just before gaining speed. The doors were then reopened, and the mother and her children were safely freed....

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