US Monitors China-Russia Drills, No Immediate Concern

The United States will be monitoring upcoming joint military drills by China and Russia in the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Despite observing the situation, a senior White House official indicated there is "no dramatic, imminent concern." National security spokesman John Kirby emphasized that the US will monitor these exercises as it would any other drills.

Kirby pointed out that while the military relationship between China and Russia has been growing in recent years, these two nations lack a long history of close military cooperation. He added, "We'll watch it like we watch all exercises, but these are two nations that don't necessarily fully trust each other, either in the region or globally."

China's Ministry of National Defence announced on Monday that the drills, called Northern/Interaction-2024, aim to enhance strategic cooperation and strengthen joint responses to security threats. The two nations' naval fleets will also conduct their fifth joint patrol in the Pacific Ocean, with China's navy taking part in Russia's "Ocean-2024" strategic exercise.

Kirby further explained that there is no need for the US to alter its military or deterrent posture due to the exercise, which had been planned for a long time. He remarked that while the US will continue to observe the drills, they see no pressing reason for concern. In July, China and Russia also conducted a joint exercise near Zhanjiang, in southern China, which included anti-missile drills, sea strikes, and air defense exercises.

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