Weather update: Western Greece and the Ionian brace for storm Athena’s first impact – Forecast for the next hours

The state and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection are on high alert as storm Atena has already started affecting the country. According to meteorological forecasts, it will continue until Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday, the first alerts from the 112 emergency service were sent to citizens’ mobile phones in Western Greece, Macedonia, and Thessaly.

Moreover, the emergency weather deterioration bulletin issued on Sunday has been upgraded to an emergency dangerous weather phenomena alert based on the latest forecasts. In Attica, increased cloud cover is expected, with rain and possible thunderstorms occurring during the midday and afternoon hours on Tuesday.

The first strike of the storm hit areas of Western Greece and the Ionian Islands overnight with heavy rainfall and strong winds.

In Zakynthos, part of a wall collapsed at the monastery of Saint Dionysius in the Kallitero area on the provincial Zakynthos-Kalamaki road, causing a road closure.

Additionally, at least four water extractions were carried out from homes and shops, four people were rescued from a car in the village of Machairado, and a spotlight caught fire at a school in the village of Lithakia.

The New EMY Emergency Bulletin

The Emergency Bulletin for Dangerous Weather Phenomena, issued on Monday, 09-09-2024 at 13:00 local time (serial number 2/2024), remains in effect according to the latest forecast data.

Storm Atena, caused by a low-pressure system in the Ionian Sea moving eastward and already affecting the Ionian Islands, is expected to bring dangerous weather phenomena to our country until Wednesday afternoon (11-09-24), with locally heavy rains and thunderstorms mainly in the western, central, and northern mainland and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.

The phenomena will be accompanied by frequent lightning, hailstorms, and strong gusty winds.

More specifically:

Heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected:

  1. Until midday on Tuesday (10-09-24) in the Ionian Islands, Epirus, western Central Greece, and western Peloponnese. The phenomena are expected to be particularly intense during the night until the early morning hours of Tuesday (10-09-24).
  2. From early Tuesday (10-09-24) until late afternoon in western Macedonia and Thessaly.
  3. From the late morning hours of Tuesday (10-09-24) until midday on Wednesday (11-09-24) in central and eastern Macedonia and the Sporades.
  4. From Tuesday evening (10-09-24) until Wednesday afternoon (11-09-24) in Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.

Where the 112 Alerts Sounded

Messages via 112 were sent to residents of Western Greece, Macedonia, and Thessaly ahead of storm Atena.

Specifically, around 18:00, a 112 alert was issued to residents in Western Greece, warning of dangerous weather phenomena in the area that would continue until midday on 10/09/2024, urging citizens to be cautious during their movements.

A few hours later, around 20:00, 112 sounded again in areas of Thessaly and Macedonia. The 112 message warned residents of dangerous weather phenomena in their area from the morning until the afternoon hours of Tuesday, 10/09/2024, urging them to limit their movements.

Specifically, the message stated: “Warning message for dangerous weather phenomena in your area from the morning until the afternoon hours of Tuesday, 10/09/2024. Limit your movements and follow the authorities’ instructions.”

Rain in the Port of Igoumenitsa

The state and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection are on high alert as storm Atena has already started affecting the country. According to meteorological forecasts, it will continue until Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday, the first alerts from the 112 emergency service were sent to citizens’ mobile phones in Western Greece, Macedonia, and Thessaly.

Moreover, the emergency weather deterioration bulletin issued on Sunday has been upgraded to an emergency dangerous weather phenomena alert based on the latest forecasts. In Attica, increased cloud cover is expected, with rain and possible thunderstorms occurring during the midday and afternoon hours on Tuesday.

The first strike of the storm hit areas of Western Greece and the Ionian Islands overnight with heavy rainfall and strong winds.

In Zakynthos, part of a wall collapsed at the monastery of Saint Dionysius in the Kallitero area on the provincial Zakynthos-Kalamaki road, causing a road closure.

Additionally, at least four water extractions were carried out from homes and shops, four people were rescued from a car in the village of Machairado, and a spotlight caught fire at a school in the village of Lithakia.

The New EMY Emergency Bulletin

The Emergency Bulletin for Dangerous Weather Phenomena, issued on Monday, 09-09-2024 at 13:00 local time (serial number 2/2024), remains in effect according to the latest forecast data.

Storm Atena, caused by a low-pressure system in the Ionian Sea moving eastward and already affecting the Ionian Islands, is expected to bring dangerous weather phenomena to our country until Wednesday afternoon (11-09-24), with locally heavy rains and thunderstorms mainly in the western, central, and northern mainland and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.

The phenomena will be accompanied by frequent lightning, hailstorms, and strong gusty winds.

More specifically:

Heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected:

Until midday on Tuesday (10-09-24) in the Ionian Islands, Epirus, western Central Greece, and western Peloponnese. The phenomena are expected to be particularly intense during the night until the early morning hours of Tuesday (10-09-24).
From early Tuesday (10-09-24) until late afternoon in western Macedonia and Thessaly.
From the late morning hours of Tuesday (10-09-24) until midday on Wednesday (11-09-24) in central and eastern Macedonia and the Sporades.
From Tuesday evening (10-09-24) until Wednesday afternoon (11-09-24) in Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.
Where the 112 Alerts Sounded

Messages via 112 were sent to residents of Western Greece, Macedonia, and Thessaly ahead of storm Atena.

Specifically, around 18:00, a 112 alert was issued to residents in Western Greece, warning of dangerous weather phenomena in the area that would continue until midday on 10/09/2024, urging citizens to be cautious during their movements.

A few hours later, around 20:00, 112 sounded again in areas of Thessaly and Macedonia. The 112 message warned residents of dangerous weather phenomena in their area from the morning until the afternoon hours of Tuesday, 10/09/2024, urging them to limit their movements.

Specifically, the message stated: “Warning message for dangerous weather phenomena in your area from the morning until the afternoon hours of Tuesday, 10/09/2024. Limit your movements and follow the authorities’ instructions.”

Rain in the Port of Igoumenitsa

Heavy Storm on the Patras-Pyrgos National Road

The low-pressure system causing storm Atena in the Central Mediterranean and moving eastward is expected to bring dangerous weather phenomena to our country, which began on Monday night (09/09) and will last until the afternoon of Wednesday (11/09), with locally heavy rains and thunderstorms mainly in the western, central, and northern mainland, as well as in the northern and eastern Aegean islands. These phenomena will be accompanied by frequent lightning, hailstorms, and strong gusty winds.

Powerful storm in Patras – Pyrgos:

The low-pressure system causing storm Atena in the Central Mediterranean and moving eastward is expected to bring dangerous weather phenomena to our country, which began on Monday night (09/09) and will last until the afternoon of Wednesday (11/09), with locally heavy rains and thunderstorms mainly in the western, central, and northern mainland, as well as in the northern and eastern Aegean islands. These phenomena will be accompanied by frequent lightning, hailstorms, and strong gusty winds.

Heavy Storm on the Patras-Pyrgos National Road

The low-pressure system causing storm Atena in the Central Mediterranean and moving eastward is expected to bring dangerous weather phenomena to our country, which began on Monday night (09/09) and will last until the afternoon of Wednesday (11/09), with locally heavy rains and thunderstorms mainly in the western, central, and northern mainland, as well as in the northern and eastern Aegean islands. These phenomena will be accompanied by frequent lightning, hailstorms, and strong gusty winds.

How the storm weather will move

Thodoros Kolydas posted a video showing the movement of the bad weather until noon on Wednesday:

Security Forces and Armed Forces on Standby for Storm “Atena” – Decisions from the Civil Protection Meeting

Security forces and the Armed Forces will be on maximum operational readiness to deal with any flood-related incidents caused by Storm Atena.

During the coordination meeting held yesterday, chaired by the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vasilis Kikilias, it was decided (according to information from Civil Protection) that in the areas expected to be affected by the storm, the Fire Brigade will deploy the Hellenic Rescue Team (EMAK) with boats in case citizens need to be rescued. Local fire services will also be on standby for water extractions.

Additionally, the Armed Forces will be ready with boats and heavy machinery for immediate response if needed, while the Coast Guard will have vessels available for any necessary assistance.

The Hellenic Police will be on alert to provide help and implement appropriate traffic measures, alongside the concessionaires of the highways.

It should be noted that all involved bodies—security forces, the armed forces, local government, representatives of highway concessionaires, etc.—participated in the inter-ministerial committee, focusing on the preparation and coordination of the state mechanism. Earlier, the Scientific Committee for Risk Assessment had convened.

Civil Protection Recommendations to Citizens

Civil Protection has reissued recommendations to citizens, urging them to take extra precautions and self-protect from risks associated with the severe weather.

The General Secretariat for Civil Protection ( of the Ministry of Climate Crisis & Civil Protection has informed the relevant state services and regional and municipal authorities to be on heightened alert to deal with the impact of the severe weather.

Specifically, in areas expected to experience heavy rainfall, storms, or strong winds, the Civil Protection suggests citizens:

  • Secure objects that might be swept away and cause damage or injury.
  • Ensure that gutters and drains in homes are not blocked and function properly.
  • Avoid crossing rivers and streams, whether on foot or in a vehicle, during and for several hours after storms and rainfall.
  • Avoid outdoor activities and work in coastal and marine areas during intense weather (due to lightning risk).
  • Immediately take cover during hailstorms in a building or car and only leave once the storm has passed, as hail can be dangerous even for animals.
  • Avoid passing under large trees, hanging signs, or any areas where light objects (e.g., flowerpots, broken windows, etc.) might fall (e.g., under balconies).
  • Strictly follow instructions from local authorities like Traffic Police.

In areas with intense lightning activity:

If indoors:

  • Do not use electrical appliances or the phone, as lightning can travel through wires. Disconnect TVs from antennas and power outlets.
  • Avoid touching plumbing (kitchen, bathroom), as they conduct electricity.

If in a car:

  • Stop on the side of the road, away from trees that might fall on the vehicle.
  • Stay inside and turn on the emergency lights until the storm passes.
  • Keep windows closed and avoid touching metal objects.
  • Avoid flooded roads.

If outdoors:

  • Seek shelter in a building or car, or sit on the ground without lying flat.
  • Take cover under dense branches of low trees if in a forest.
  • Never seek shelter under a tall tree in an open area.
  • Avoid low areas due to flood risk.
  • Stay away from poles, power lines, phone lines, and fences.
  • Avoid metal objects (e.g., cars, bikes, camping gear, etc.).
  • Move away from rivers, lakes, or other water bodies.
  • If in the sea, get out immediately.
  • If isolated in an open area and feel your hair stand on end (indicating imminent lightning), crouch low with your head between your knees to minimize your body’s surface area and contact with the ground, and discard any metal objects you are carrying.

For information on road conditions due to flooding, citizens can visit the Hellenic Police website at

For more information and self-protection instructions regarding severe weather, citizens can visit the General Secretariat for Civil Protection website at

The weather today

Showers and thunderstorms are expected in much of the country with the exception of the southernmost island parts. The phenomena in the west and north will be strong in places.

The temperature will range in Western Macedonia from 13 to 25 degrees Celsius, in the rest of northern Greece from 14 to 29 (in Evros up to 32), in Thessaly from 13 to 30-31, in Epirus from 13 to 27 degrees Celsius, in the rest of the continental parts from 12 to 29-30 degrees Celsius, in the Ionian Islands from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, in the Aegean islands and in Crete from 17 to 29-31 degrees Celsius.

In the Aegean Sea the winds will be generally southerly winds with intensities of 4-5 Beaufort. In the Ionian Sea the winds will initially blow south with intensities up to 4-5 and locally 6 Beaufort, and from the afternoon hours northwest with intensities up to 4-5 Beaufort.

In central and eastern Macedonia, the Sporades, Thrace, the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean and the Dodecanese, showers and occasional thunderstorms are predicted, which will be locally strong until midday in central and eastern Macedonia and the Sporades and until the afternoon in Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean. From late afternoon, the phenomena will weaken and will be limited to the eastern islands and Thrace. In the remaining areas, unstable weather is forecast with local rain or rain in the morning hours in the Ionian Sea and in the midday and afternoon hours mainly in the continental mountains.
Visibility in the morning hours will be locally limited in the west mainly in the mainland where fog will form.
Winds will blow in the west west west northwest 3 to 5 and occasionally in the south 6 Beaufort and in the east south southeast 3 to 5 Beaufort, gradually turning to west with the same intensity.
The temperature will not change significantly and will reach 26 to 28 degrees Celsius in the west and the northern mainland and 28 to 30 degrees Celsius in the rest of the country.

In the eastern islands and Thrace, cloudy weather with local showers until noon. In the rest of the country, generally clear weather is forecast with a few occasional clouds in the morning hours. Gradually in the Ionian Sea and the western continent the clouds will increase and there will be local rain or rain mainly in the midday and afternoon hours in the western continental mountains and the mountains of Crete.
Visibility in the morning hours will be locally limited and in the western mainland fog will form.
Winds will initially blow west northwest 3 to 4 Beaufort and in the south locally 5 Beaufort becoming south southwest with the same intensity.
The temperature will rise slightly and will reach 28 to 30 degrees Celsius in the west, 27 to 29 degrees Celsius in the northern mainland and 29 to 31 degrees Celsius in the rest of the country.

In the west, clouds are forecasted, partly cloudy with local rain and occasional thunderstorms and weakening of the phenomena from the evening. In the remaining areas, thin clouds are forecasted at times more dense mainly in the midday and afternoon hours with local showers and isolated thunderstorms mainly in the central and northern areas.
Visibility in the morning hours will be locally limited.
Winds will blow south-southwest 4 to 5 and gradually in the sea up to 6 Beaufort.
The temperature will drop slightly in the west and north.

Initially in the west and gradually in the rest of the regions, clouds are forecasted, partly cloudy with local showers and occasional thunderstorms. Gradually the phenomena will weaken.
Visibility in the morning and evening hours will be locally limited in the west.
Winds will blow south-southwest 4 to 5 and gradually in the sea up to 6 Beaufort.
The temperature will not change significantly.


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