Drunk driver to testify over Thessaloniki hit-and-run 

[Yannis Moisiadis/Intime News]

A 46-year-old driver who hit a family of three near Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on Wednesday while driving drunk is expected to testify before an investigative magistrate on Saturday.

The man has been charged with dangerous driving due to the consumption of alcohol, grievous bodily harm and bodily damage caused by serial negligence. He has been detained since Wednesday.

The two alcohol breath tests to which he was submitted by police officers after the accident showed a reading of 0.64 and 0.75 mg/l, respectively, above the legal limit.

Greek police reported on Friday that the suspect has a history of drink-driving, having been arrested and fined five times for the same offence between 2007 and 2020. In 2007 his license was suspended for 90 days, in 2008 for 180 days, while in 2020 he was involved in a traffic accident in the district of Kalamaria, when he...

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