One in Four Bulgarians Struggles to Afford Winter Heating

One in four Bulgarians is unable to afford heating during the winter months, according to energy expert Ivan Hinovski. The number of individuals experiencing energy poverty is rising, and many households also face what is termed "hidden energy poverty," characterized by inadequate energy consumption for their needs.

Hinovski, speaking on NOVA NEWS, highlighted the lack of effective management and compensatory mechanisms for energy poverty. He criticized the absence of a designated state institution responsible for overseeing the registration of energy-poor households and involving municipalities in the process. Without proper management, the substantial funds available through the European Commission's special climate fund may remain untapped.

Despite ongoing aid efforts, Hinovski noted that current support measures do not address the categorization of energy-poor households. He warned that with the upcoming electricity liberalization in 2026, prices are expected to increase significantly, as there will be no protected prices for consumers. He expressed concern that Bulgaria's energy system is unprepared for these changes.

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