UAE eyes stake in CVC-owned clinics

The hospitals that the CVC group controls by 90% include Hygeia in Maroussi, northern Athens.

A large healthcare group from the United Arab Emirates is in talks with the Hellenic Healthcare Group, which controls the hospitals Hygeia, Metropolitan Hospital, Mitera, Metropolitan General, Leto, Creta InterClinic, City Hospital in Kalamata, Apollonio and Areteio in Cyprus and many diagnostic centers.

Discussions concern a stake in Hellenic Healthcare Group the Arab group wishes to acquire, with the aim of establishing a strategic partnership that will lead to a significant increase in the work of Greek hospitals, given that the UAE pays over 5 billion euros annually to its hospitals abroad for their citizens.

The framework of the discussion, which already started weeks ago, but has not yet taken the form of formal negotiations, envisages - according to well-informed sources - the retention in the equity capital of both the US investor CVC, which currently controls...

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