Tanker overturns on Schistou Avenue: Structure evacuated after gas leak

Authorities are proceeding with the evacuation of the migrant facility in Schisto after a tanker carrying liquefied gas overturned near the cemetery, heading toward Keratsini.

According to reports, two buses from ELAS and two from OSY are on their way to assist with the evacuation following the gas leak.

Meanwhile, 40 people without mobility issues are walking toward the Environmental Park, with another 40 preparing to leave.

It is noted that fire services have rushed to the site on Schistou Avenue for safety reasons, while the company owning the tanker is handling the liquid transfer with its own vehicle.

Traffic has been stopped from the junction of Schistou Avenue with Grigoriou Lambraki Street to Palaska Street.

The post Tanker overturns on Schistou Avenue: Structure evacuated after gas leak appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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