Driverless car takes Greek students all the way to MIT

A driverless car designed by three students from the Model Gymnasium of Anavryta in Maroussi, northern Athens, won the Race Car Challenge international competition, organized at MIT by the Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) in Boston. 

The three high-school students behind the design - Philippos Efstasiadis, Michael Agapakis and Stelios Fiotakis - chose the name Illusionists for their group because, they state, "we have a bit of magic in us." 

"This is autonomous driving without a steering wheel. You program the little car, you put the location in the GPS and it goes by itself," 17-year-old Stelios explains to Kathimerini. 

They achieved the best time among seven foreign teams (from India, Japan, Italy and China) and seven American teams. '

"Our autonomous race car clocked 57 seconds and the average time of the others was 2 minutes and 19 seconds. Each...

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