Numbers going up at migrant camps

[InTime News]

The population of asylum-seekers who remain in specially built structures on the islands is reportedly constantly rising in tandem with the daily interception of migrant trafficking boats by the Greek Coast Guard.

Several landings have been recorded on Rhodes, Crete and elsewhere, with arrivals transferred either to the islands that have reception and identification centers like Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos, or directly to hospitality structures in mainland Greece.

In response to the upward trend, the regional governor of Crete, Stavros Arnaoutakis, has told Kathimerini that he is in talks with the Migration and Asylum Ministry for the creation of a small reception center on the island where arrivals can stay for 48 hours, "until they are moved in an organized manner," so as to avert problems in the areas where most arrivals take place.


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