Vucic: Pandora's box was not opened by attack on Ukraine, but much before that

NEW YORK - Pandora's box was not opened by the attack on Ukraine but much before that, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in his address to the 79th UN General Assembly session on Tuesday evening.

The collapse of the modern world began when we stopped believing in law and stated appeasing force, he said.

"I will explain this to you through the example of my country - to me, the most beautiful country in the world, Serbia - how it was being destroyed and trampled on and how today, because of its tenacity and freedom-loving tradition, it is a small stone in the shoes of the big and powerful," he said.

After the great victories won by the better part of humanity in two world wars, the Serbs as a nation suffered the biggest casualties in WWI relative to their size, as well as in WWII, when they were one of the few nations in southeastern Europe that...

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