Winners and losers of the great redistribution

Students sit nationwide university entrance exams in June. Education in Greece is only nominally free, says the author. [AMNA]

Food and other consumer goods prices were comparatively much higher than in other European countries even before the inflationary wave of the last two years. We secured this lead with subsequent performances: In August, inflation in the eurozone fell to 2.2% from 2.6% in July, but in Greece it rose to 3.2% from 3%, the fourth highest among the 20 countries in the common currency area.

A massive redistribution of income is under way at the expense of wage earners and the have-nots, in favor of the haves and a wasteful, unfriendly state.

One prime example of this concerns developments in the housing market. The measures announced by the government are essentially geared at stimulating demand with subsidized mortgages from the beginning of 2025. Given the shortages in the supply of houses, property brokers expect the measures to cause prices in the capital to rise by 10%...

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