Bulgarian Parliament Condemns North Macedonia's Provocative Remarks

The Bulgarian Parliament has unanimously adopted a declaration with 178 votes in favor, addressing the ongoing "systematic and methodical destruction of the dialogue" between Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as provocative and offensive remarks made by political leaders in North Macedonia.

In this declaration, the Parliament reaffirms its commitment to completing the Pan-European Corridor VIII on the Bulgarian side and urges the Macedonian government to engage responsibly and sincerely with all prior commitments to facilitate the timely construction of the corridor's sections within its territory.

Additionally, the Bulgarian Parliament calls for the resumption of positive dialogue that has been interrupted by North Macedonia, insisting on an end to the anti-Bulgarian campaign and provocative comments directed at Bulgaria from North Macedonia.

The declaration also expresses Bulgaria's intention to organize joint celebrations honoring shared historical events and figures, highlighting the deep-rooted common history between the two nations. The Parliament strongly opposes any denial of this shared history by members of the Macedonian government, which contravenes the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness, and Cooperation between the two countries.

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