Greece signs gas link agreement with Bulgarian

Enaon EDA, of the Italgas group, is planning for the expansion of the natural gas network to the Greek islands up to 2028. This move has provoked the reaction of the Energy Ministry, whose goals provide for the reduction of gas in the energy mix. At the same time grid manager ADMIE is implementing investments worth billions of euros for the interconnection of the islands, which will pave the way for the utilization of the rich wind and solar potential. On the other hand, the network development program of Enaon EDA, put to public consultation, foresees total investments of 770 million euros for the period from 2024 to 2028.

The natural gas InterConnector Greece-Bulgaria (ICGB) announced this week the signing of an interconnection agreement with Greece's natural gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) at the interconnection point (IP) located in Komotini in the north of the country.

In the monthly capacity auction for October, ICGB offered available capacity of 48,044,459 kilowatt-hours per day at the IP.

"This is a key step in ensuring that the IGB pipeline facilitates the transportation of natural gas volumes coming after the commercial launch of the LNG terminal in Alexandroupoli (FSRU). The two infrastructures are in great synergy and we expect that the commissioning of the FSRU could significantly increase market interest in existing and planned capacity," said ICGB's executive officers Teodora Georgieva and George Satlas.

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