Police dismantle three criminal gangs suspected of burglaries and theft

Police have announced that they have dismantled three criminal gangs suspected of being behind a spate of burglaries and other robberies around Attica and even as far as Laconia, Fthiotida, Viotia and Evia.

One of the gangs involved up to 14 people and was active from April to August. From their base in Vlychos, outside Megara, the gang stole copper from photovoltaic parks or stole money and other items from businesses.

Operating at night, the gang members drove stolen cars with license plates stolen from other vehicles. After each robbery, they would abandon the vehicles and torch them.

The second gang, consisting of at least four members, was also based near Megara. Its focus was on burglaries, in Megara, Alepochori and Evia, especially holiday homes.

By breaking down doors or patio doors, when the house was empty, or taking advantage of unsecured...

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