Where’s the scaffolding gone?

Almost all buildings licensed under the new regime are at risk of suspension of work, or even cancellation of the building permit, pursuant to an official complaint and lawsuit from the municipal authorities or citizen groups.

The volume of private construction activity has been decreasing, mainly in Attica, due to the complications created by the new Construction Code and reactions from a number of municipal authorities.

In view of a final resolution of the issue from the Cabinet, which will meet on the matter in the coming weeks, it seems that construction firms are either refraining from having new permits issued or are issuing permits, but are choosing not to make use of the perks provided in the new regulations, for the height of buildings, the size of common areas, plot coverage etc.

This hiatus is reflected in a particularly clear way in the data concerning private construction activity in Attica in June. The numbers show that the reduction in the number of permits is almost negligible at 2.5% (537 permits, from 551 in June 2023), while the drop in both surface area and volume is...

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