Vucic adept at balancing West versus China, Russia - Politico

BRUSSELS - Aleksandar Vucic has proved adept at balancing the West versus China and Russia and has earned a reputation for "effortlessly playing every side of any situation," the Brussels-based portal says in an analysis of the policy of the president of Serbia.

"Vucic's ability to be all things to all people has served him well on the geopolitical stage. Courted at once by the Chinese, Americans, Russians and the European Union, all of whom see Serbia as a key piece on the global chessboard, he has managed to convince them all that he is either on their side or on the verge of locking arms with them," said in an article.

The portal, which recently conducted an interview with Vucic, noted that the Serbian president had said he was "very proud" of his good relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, "who recently visited Serbia, a country...

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