Athina Onassis: Unrecognizable in a new photo released three years after her last public appearance

A new photo of Athina Onassis has surfaced, marking her first public appearance in three years.

The golden heiress appears unrecognizable in an image shared by the TV show “To Proino.” In the photo, Athina Onassis has brown hair and appears noticeably slimmer.

Athina Onassis looks unrecognizable in a new photo that has been released.

The resemblance to her mother, Christina Onassis, is striking. The photo is from the launch of her new business venture.

Athina Onassis has invested a significant amount of money in a supermarket chain in France, led by a former minister from Emmanuel Macron’s government.

She continues to maintain a very private life, which heightens media interest in the last descendant of the Onassis dynasty.

The Rare Appearance Three Years Ago

After a long period away from the public eye, Athina Onassis made a rare social appearance at the lavish wedding of Sami Zayn and Lauren van Berkel in Monaco.

Elegant and chic, she wore a simple floral dress in blue and white. Her hair was down, and the only standout accessory was her expensive watch.

Although she rarely attends social events, it appears Athina is making an effort to turn a new page in her life, putting an end to rumors of her suffering from depression and eating disorders.

The photo was posted on Instagram by Greek-American Gianna Darili, who was also a guest at the Zayn wedding with her husband.

One couple that conversed with her for a while was Gianna Darili and her husband, George Psipsikas. According to Psipsikas, it was a great honor to meet her and talk about life and her great love—horses.

Athina even agreed to pose for a photo with them, something she seldom does.

It’s worth noting that, according to a report by Espresso, the wedding also featured performances by Rita Ora, Antonis Remos, and Anna Vissi, while notable attendees included Chrysanthos Panas, Nikos Aliagas, Celia Kritharioti, Marina Vernicos, Katerina Panagopoulou, Marietta Chrousala, and other figures from Athens’ elite, many of whom greeted the golden heiress.

Where Athina Onassis Has Lived in Recent Years

Since her separation from Álvaro de Miranda Neto in 2016, Athina Onassis has been living in seclusion in a small town in the Netherlands called Valkenswaard, where she owns a luxury villa that she once shared with Álvaro.

According to European media, Athina chose this location because many residents are involved in horse riding and breeding, her passion.

As for her connection with Greece, it’s virtually non-existent, as she has not visited her homeland in at least 14 years.

Her last official visit to Greece was in 2007, during the Athina Onassis Horse Show, where Álvaro was competing, and she was supporting him from the stands.

Her Last Appearance at the Equestrian Events in Rome

Athina Onassis’ most recent public appearance was at the equestrian events in Rome. The granddaughter of Aristotle Onassis appeared significantly changed, having lost a lot of weight, fueling rumors that she was suffering from depression.

What Alexis Mantheakis Had Written About Athina Onassis and Her Marriage to Álvaro de Souza

Recent statements by Doda (Álvaro de Miranda Neto) on a Brazilian radio station brought his marriage to Athina Onassis back into the spotlight, sparking a response from Alexis Mantheakis. Doda said: “We were married for over ten years, which shows that our marriage had strong foundations. Athina was very good to me, as well as to my daughter. But now we’ve both turned the page in our lives.” When asked about Mantheakis’ revealing book, he claimed not to have read it, using the popular term “fake news.”

The author of the book, which details the revelations about Athina Onassis’ marriage, shared his version of the truth with Gala, explaining that he inadvertently became a catalyst in the dissolution of their marriage: “Álvaro de Miranda Neto made these statements because he lives in that country (Brazil) and is, of course, building his profile. He married in Portugal and lives in Brazil. When you make statements knowing there won’t be an immediate counterargument, you can paint your married life in golden letters, while in reality, he cheated on Athina with Nicole 20 days after their wedding. Of course, it’s true that the marriage was excellent for him.

It made him rich, famous, and, in a way, turned him into an Onassis, opening thousands of doors for him. From living in a very small house without even a car, he suddenly had a lot of money. So the marriage was perfect for him. But for Athina, it wasn’t. Nicole told me that when she was with Doda and he was late to return to Athina, the heiress would call him in tears. I started gathering evidence given to me by Niki (Nicole, the Belgian call girl), but I didn’t want to break up their marriage. When I found out that Athina was getting a divorce, I gave her that evidence. And I decided to write books after the noise from the divorce had subsided,” Mantheakis recounts.

For three years, he had meetings with the Belgian call girl, who gave him information. “The time came when Athina and her lawyers told me to retrieve the file that Nicole had given to a university professor named Thierry Moreau, Belgium’s top lawyer, who had handled the case of Michelle Martin, wife of the pedophile Dutroux, in a case that had caused an uproar in Belgium and the rest of Europe. Nicole and I went to Moreau’s office in Brussels, picked up the file, and crossed all of Belgium. That same night, I delivered the file to Athina’s lawyer in the Netherlands. They told me, ‘Fantastic, you’ve done an amazing job,’ but then I lost touch with them and wondered why they stopped updating me, as Roussel and his lawyers used to do regularly.” After delivering the infamous “red file,” there was complete silence. In the end, they told him they did nothing and didn’t use the file.

According to Alexis Mantheakis, Álvaro had been unfaithful from the start.

However, once Doda learned that there were written statements from Nicole, he backed off and changed his stance. He began to say things like, “I love her,” “I’m fighting for my marriage,” and “I’ve never cheated on her.” Mantheakis continued to explain to Gala: “Later, he gave an interview in Brazil where he confessed that he had cheated on her, turning against Athina, and now he’s done another U-turn, saying the marriage was wonderful. What can we say?”

Athina and Skorpios

Alexis Mantheakis’ relationship with Thierry Roussel and Athina Onassis began in the late 1990s, during a time when the Greek press had turned against Christina Onassis’ husband. The catalyst for this connection was an article Mantheakis wrote in favor of Athina’s French father, Thierry Roussel, in George Tragas’ Crash magazine. Following the article, Roussel invited the Greek journalist and author to meet in Switzerland. This meeting took place on January 28, 1998, the day before Athina Onassis’ 13th birthday.

Mantheakis, who later became the family’s representative and coordinator of the 16 law firms employed by the Roussel-Onassis side (though he wasn’t a lawyer, despite often being credited as one), managed over 70 cases involving the Onassis Foundation.

Mantheakis explains, “I’ve known her since she was a child. I traveled abroad and stayed with them at their homes in Ibiza, Geneva, and Lagonisi. We were also on yachts together. I considered her like a daughter. She even attended my daughter’s birthday party in Vouliagmeni. We have a personal and family history, but our relationship fractured when, in a moment of personal need, she turned her back on me, even though people usually help each other out, even if they don’t know each other well.”

This break in their relationship happened when Mantheakis’ wife needed surgery for a serious health issue. He sent Athina a message: “I’m in the hospital room with my wife, who is fighting for her life. I need your help,” but he never received a reply. Three days later, her lawyers contacted him again, saying Athina wasn’t willing to give him any financial help. Mantheakis recalls one comment from her that stuck with him: “I think I remember more of what she didn’t say than what she did. One thing she said that struck me was when she was young on Skorpios. She asked for ice cream on the beach, and when told, ‘There’s no ice cream here,’ she responded, ‘What kind of island doesn’t sell ice cream on the beach?’ She was too young to understand it was a private island.”

Aside from that, Mantheakis mentions simple greetings about his wife and conversations about horses. They had many discussions about Doda (Álvaro de Miranda Neto), which he cannot publicly disclose. In 2016, Mantheakis made three or four trips to the Netherlands, where Athina invited him. This was shortly after she left Doda, and her lawyers were frantically searching for evidence against him. Mantheakis provided the key evidence.

It later became clear that the contents of the infamous “red folder” were used as leverage against Athina’s now ex-husband. Mantheakis notes, “That folder became a bargaining tool. It was never presented in court because it wasn’t needed. Even though there had been fierce legal battles and Doda had filed numerous lawsuits, when the folder came out, things calmed down, and the Brazilian equestrian lowered his demands.”

Doda had originally requested $10,000 a day in alimony, along with other amounts stipulated in the prenuptial agreement. In the end, Mantheakis estimates he received around $11 million. Doda went on to marry TV presenter Denise Severo, who, interestingly, had interviewed him even while he was still married to Athina. “He found happiness, rich, with a woman younger than Athina.”

As for Athina, has she moved on and forgotten about Doda? “Once they split everything they had to, I believe the relationship is over. The only way they would ever come together again is if an external enemy emerged, but I don’t see that happening. On the contrary, I think Athina will be like she was with her father, with whom she didn’t want to have a relationship,” says Mantheakis, author of the book Athina Onassis: The Red Folder. He continues: “Initially, I titled the book A Doll of Steel. I gave this title to an article in Ta Nea after an incident involving a journalist who had come to the island. I invited her to photograph Athina during the memorial for her mother’s death. The journalist was astonished at how tough Athina was. I chose that title to reflect her very hard character.”

The post Athina Onassis: Unrecognizable in a new photo released three years after her last public appearance appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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