Petkovic: Pristina continues to breach all agreements

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday Pristina continued to breach all agreements and that those in Pristina who were violating all EU-guaranteed agreements on a daily basis were now brazen enough to attack Belgrade with a made-up narrative about violations of an agreement on integrated management of administrative crossings.

But that is out of the question, Petkovic said in a statement released by the Office.

On several occasions, Belgrade has publicly pointed out and documented the undeniable fact that Pristina is an undependable and inconsistent partner in dialogue and that it uses deceptions, spins, false accusations and staged scandals to cover up its own misdeeds and crimes, which is again unequivocally the case, Petkovic said.

Pristina is the one that has been breaching the agreement on...

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