“Return before 17 January” – The letter sent by US universities to travelling students

The assumption of the presidency of the US by Donald Trump on January 20 has put the academic communities on the other side of the Atlantic, among others, on alert. University administrations are concerned about the immigration policy that the newly elected president will pursue and are therefore advising students who have travelled outside the US for the holidays to return by 17 January.

Protothema.gr publishes word for word the message of UTSA University in Texas

Typical is the email from UTSA’s International Student and Scholar Services titled “Time-sensitive travel advice for students” which states that it recommends students “strongly recommend that you return to the United States by Friday, January 17, 2025, due to immigration-related uncertainties. With the upcoming change in government and the uncertainty surrounding potential changes in immigration policy, the safest way to avoid difficulties in re-entering the United States is to be physically present before the new administration takes office. We recommend January 17 in case of unexpected travel delays that could delay your expected return,” and adds, making specific reference to Mexico:

“We understand that many students travel within the United States during semester-long vacations/vacations. We recommend that you do not travel within 60 miles of the US/Canada or US/Mexico border, as you will pass through an immigration checkpoint and will be asked to verify your legal status in the country. If you need to travel within this area, make sure you have all your original documents with you, as the Border Patrol will ask to see them. Required documents are Form I-20 with a recent travel visa or Form DS-2019 with a recent travel visa, a valid F-1 student visa or a valid J-1 visitor exchange visa, and a passport. Things to remember when returning to the United States or when traveling within 60 miles of the U.S./Canada or U.S./Mexico border.”

For the required documents they state:

    • – Have the most recently issued Form I-20 with a valid travel endorsement (applicable to F-1 students)
    • – Have the most recently issued DS-2019 form with a valid travel endorsement (valid for J-1 students)

– Have a valid travel endorsement (valid for J-1 students)

– Have a valid travel endorsement (valid for J-1 students)

– Have a valid travel endorsement (valid for J-1 students).

– Have a valid F-1 or J-1 visa stamp on your passport.

– Have a valid F-1 or J-1 visa stamp on your passport.

  • – If you recently renewed your passport, make sure you have the old passport with the new passport, as the visa stamp will be on the expired passport.
  • – Valid passport with an expiry date of 6 months or more in the future

Required documents

F-1 or J-1 verification letter (request the letter at the International Student Portal)
Academic transcript to verify maintenance of status

Thank you for your consideration and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.”

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