Excavations continue market of Alexandria Troas being revealed

Excavations at the ancient city of Alexandria Troas, located on the shores of the Aegean Sea, are uncovering a 2,200-year-old market structure from the Hellenistic period.

Located at the exit of the Çanakkale Strait, on the coast of Dalyan village in the Ezine district, Alexandria Troas had a strong economy that grew steadily between the 1st and 4th centuries A.D.
The city, where the population reached around 100,000 at its peak, began to shrink with the weakening of its economy after the 4th century and was abandoned in a process that started in the 9th century.

Among the remains that have survived to the present day in the forum, which is the central part of the ancient city, are a 12-sided structure, podium hall and temple, odeon (concert area), baths and theater.

Excavation work at the ancient city, which is among the sites where the Culture and Tourism Ministry conducts excavations throughout the year, continues with the participation of 15 scientists and experts.

Ankara University Department of Archaeology faculty member and excavation director Professor Erhan Öztepe said that prominent features of the market structure were revealed in this year's work:
"Immediately to the west of this structure, on its western boundary, there is a structure that provides access to the Lower Agora. This is our market structure, or possibly a new idea. We may confirm this more easily in future work. Perhaps it could also be a city archive structure, but for now, it is most likely a market structure. Since 2020, we have been working to uncover the northern sections of the market structure."

Noting that the first space of the structure was uncovered on the side of the street during 2020-2021, Öztepe said, "This was more of a...

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