

Students back to school as new academic year begins

Around 20 million students and 1.2 million teachers across Türkiye returned to their classrooms after a three-month summer break, eager to start the new academic year with fresh aspirations and renewed energy.

This year, education will take place in roughly 750,000 classrooms across 74,000 schools nationwide.

Heavy ship traffic chokes straits with air pollution

With roughly 130 vessels traversing the Dardanelles Strait in the northwestern province of Çanakkale and Istanbul's Bosphorus Strait daily, emissions from these ships are a major contributor to air pollution in the region.

Heavy ship traffic is polluting the air in the Marmara region, raising concerns about public health and prompting calls for stricter regulations.

Wildfire briefly halts marine traffic on Çanakkale strait

Türkiye on Tuesday briefly suspended shipping traffic along the Dardanelle Strait because of a windswept forest fire near the tourist town of Çanakkale.

The emergency response service said it had evacuated seven villages and was preparing to help people leave three more on Türkiye's northwestern coast.

Drought threatens food security and economy

Decisions in recent days to restrict water use in major cities show that the threat of drought is becoming more widespread. With water losses in cities reaching 60 percent and the drought set to become a more prominent topic of conversation after May, experts say the focus should be on what needs to be done as soon as possible, rather than how full reservoirs are.

Number of blue-flagged beaches rises in Turkey

Turkey continues to rank third in the list of "countries with the most blue-flagged beaches" this year, with the number of blue-flagged beaches increasing from 519 to 531 currently.

Like in 2021, Spain topped the ranking, while Greece was runner-up this year. Italy and France followed Turkey in the fourth and fifth spots, respectively.

Fishing ban in Marmara should be extended to whole year: Scientist

Industrial-scale fishing at the Bosphorus, the Dardanelles and the Marmara Sea should be banned, a scientist has said, calling on authorities.

Mustafa Sarı, dean of the Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University's Maritime Faculty, said that the annual fishing prohibition season, which started on April 15, should be implemented all year round.
