
Rethymno Prefecture

Yiannis Sbokos: The Trailblazing Hotelier of Crete Passes Away at 75

Yiannis Sbokos, a pioneering figure in Crete’s tourism industry, passed away at the age of 75. He was the founder and managing director of the Sbokos Hotel Group and today’s Pháea. Sbokos was instrumental in building some of the most significant and groundbreaking hotels in Crete, many of which remain iconic to this day.

Tsipras to supporters: We weren’t compromised, we made a compromise

Alexis Tsipras spoke to supporters in the iconic Cretan village of Anogeia on Tuesday evening, returning to the large island from where, as opposition leader, he once proclaimed that “markets will dance to our tune” when a SYRIZA government assumes power.

“We remained standing when we had a gun at our temple,” the ex-PM told a crowd of supporters.

Documentary traces the musical legacy of the great Nikos Xylouris

For three successive generations, the family of the legendary Cretan singer-songwriter Nikos Xylouris and his brother, the equally famous Antonis Xylouris, known as Psarantonis, have kept the Aegean island’s music tradition alive, adapting and spreading it to thousands of people around the world.