

Presidential Symphony Orchestra performs at ancient theater

The Presidential Symphony Orchestra has given a concert at the 2,200-year-old historic theater in the Aegean province of Denizli's ancient city of Laodicea.

More than 15,000 people attended the concert at the ancient theater on June 23, hosted by the provincial governor's office and the municipality.

Home textile exports hit $5 billion

The Turkish home textile industry's export revenues stood at $5 billion last year, according to Hasan Hüseyin Bayram, head of the Home Textile Association (TETSİAD).

Local and international home textile companies met at the HOMETEX fair, which is being held between May 16 and 20.

This fair is expected to boost exports by 20 to 25 percent, said Bayram.

Two earthquakes strike western, central Turkey

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey's western Manisa province on Jan. 22, according to Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD).       

Ahmet Deniz, the governor of the province, said there are reports that some buildings were damaged but no casualties have been reported so far.       

Only four people were reportedly injured.       

Main opposition CHP aims to win in Turkey's seven big cities: Kılıçdaroğlu

The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) aims to win the mayoralties of seven key big city metropolitan areas in the upcoming local elections in 2019, party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu had said, stating that the party works on the strategies for campaigns.  

Turkish Policemen To Face Trial for Coup Attempt

Nearly 30 Turkish policemen will be tried by a court in Istanbul on charges of participating in the coup attempt on July 15, reported AFP.

This will be the first trial against suspected plotters in the city.

Indictments have been prepared against over 1,200 people, while the total number of arrested persons is about 41,000.

Police launch operations in petrochemicals company lodgings, SME development body

Police officers have launched a new wave of operations at the lodgings of the country's largest petrochemicals company, PETKİM, in the Aegean province of İzmir, as part of the ongoing investigation into the Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETÖ), which has been accused of orchestrating the failed coup attempt of July 15, detaining at least 13 suspects.
